
The annual membership subscription for the 2024-25 season is £165. This covers costs of rehearsals, music hire and concert tickets (see below). We ask members to Gift Aid if possible. The subscription cost is reviewed annually, and the ACS season is from September to July, so new members joining in the January or April terms will pay a pro rata membership fee.

The subscription and the cost of allocated tickets should be paid by the end of September each year. You are encouraged to pay by bank transfer (BACS): Our account details are:
Account numbers: 30599336 (Barclays Bank)
Sort Code: 20-01-96

Alternatively, cheques can be accepted, made out to Altrincham Choral Society

Concessionary rate.

For a member in full time education or under the age of 21 the subscription is £20 per term.

Concert tickets

In addition to the basic subscription, each member (except concessionary) is allocated and required to buy a maximum of 2 tickets for each of the autumn, spring and summer concerts. The number allocated and the ticket price is reviewed annually, and the cost is included in the annual subscription shown above. No tickets are allocated for the Christmas concert, but they are available to buy from the Tickets Secretary.  


Scores are provided on loan, free of charge to members for all concerts except the Christmas concert. You will need to buy your own copy of ‘100 Carols for Choirs’ (published by Oxford University Press). You will also need to buy an ACS folder for use at concerts (£5, available from the Membership Secretary).

Rehearsal Attendance

A minimum 75% rehearsal attendance is required to sing in a concert and no more than 3 consecutive rehearsals can be missed. If you are performing in a concert you must attend the Stage Rehearsal at the venue prior to the concert. It is at the discretion of the Music Director whether an individual can perform in a concert.

If you know you will miss any rehearsals and/or a concert, please tell your Voice Representative. This is important as exact numbers are required for layout of concert seating and for ticket sales. Please do not sing at the last weekly rehearsal before a concert if you know you cannot sing in that concert. You are welcome to attend to listen.

Rehearsal Notes

These are posted on the website (see link below) and sent by email to all members after rehearsals, as required. They include information such as weblinks to the music that will be performed at the next concert, details of any changes made to the score(s) and instructions for the concert, e.g. order of music, when to stand and sit, etc.

View rehearsal notes, information and emails for the current concert.

Rehearsal Dates

Weekly rehearsal

Mondays from 19:30 to 21:45 at Altrincham Methodist Church, Barrington Road, Altrincham WA14 1HF.

Stage rehearsals

Concert date in the afternoon at the venue (compulsory).


AMC Altrincham Methodist Church, Barrington Road, Altrincham
AURC Altrincham United Reformed Church, Ashley Road, Hale
RNCM Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester
StG St Georges’s Church, Altrincham
StM St Mary’s Church, Sale
StP St Peter’s Church, Hale

September 2024

Date Time Location
Monday 2 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 9 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 16 (Open rehearsal) 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 23 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 30 19:30 – 21:45 AMC

October 2024

Date Time Location
Monday 7 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 14 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 21 (and AGM) 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 28 19:30 – 21:45 AMC

November 2024

Date Time Location
Monday 4 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 11 19:30 – 21:45 StP
Monday 18 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 25 19:30 – 21:45 AMC

December 2024

Date Time Location
Monday 2 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Wednesday 4 19:30 – 21:45 StG
Monday 9 19:30 – 21:45 AMC

January 2025

Date Time Location
Monday 6 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 13 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 20 (Open rehearsal) 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 27 19:30 – 21:45 AMC

February 2025

Date Time Location
Monday 3 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 10 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 17 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 24 19:30 – 21:45 AMC

March 2025

Date Time Location
Monday 3 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 10 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 17 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 24 19:30 – 21:45 StG
Monday 31 19:30 – 21:45 AMC

April 2025

Date Time Location
Monday 7 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 14 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 28 19:30 – 21:45 AMC

May 2025

Date Time Location
Monday 5 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 12 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 19 19:30 – 21:45 AMC

June 2025

Date Time Location
Monday 2 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 9 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 16 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 23 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 30 19:30 – 21:45 StM

July 2025

Date Time Location
Monday 7 19:30 – 21:45 AMC
Monday 14 19:30 – 21:45 AMC

Concert Dress



Stage Etiquette

Rehearsal – Concert day

Entry to and exit from stage/performance area

Stage presence

Return of Music

All borrowed music must be returned to our Librarian immediately after the concert. If you are unable to sing in a concert, please return your music as soon as possible and at the latest at the last rehearsal before the concert.

If you cannot bring it or send it via a friend to a Monday rehearsal then it can be delivered or posted to the Librarian’s home address. Please email our Librarian for contact details.

Individual members are responsible for any costs incurred as a result of late returns or lost music.

Committee, Sub-committees and Other Functions

Committee and Trustees

Chairman Malcolm Thomson
Deputy Chairman Andy McWilliam
Secretary Eleanor Reeves and Imogen Gornall
Treasurer Steve Campbell
Concert Manager Tony Robinson
Librarian Kath Whyte
Membership Secretary Julia Williamson
Publicist Vacancy
Voice Rep: Sopranos Melanie Owen
Voice Rep: Altos Eleanor Reeves
Voice Rep: Tenors Julian Mustoe
Voice Rep: Basses Andy McWilliam

Music Sub-committee

Music Director Steven Roberts
Member Joyce Fuller
Member Rosie Lucas
Member Imogen Gornall

Other Functions

Deputy Music Director David Lloyd-Mostyn
Accompanist Lydia Bryan
Coach organisers Rosamund Meehan
Roy Jervis
Email Julia Williamson
Fire wardens (AMC) Pamela Thomson and Richard Dyson
First Aiders Tony Robinson
Geryl Whitaker
Flowers Gill Turner
Folders Julia Williamson
Library Team Kath Whyte (autumn term); Ann Ashby (carols); Rosemary Hurley (summer term); Ann McWilliam (spring term)
Patrons & Sponsors Secretary Vacancy
Programme coordination Richard Dyson
Programme notes Elizabeth Jones
Projects Manager Christine Weekes
Publicity Team Emma Loat
Christine Weekes
Richard Dyson
Steven Roberts
Annie Muir
Steve Campbell
Tea rota Suspended (under review)
VIP host, Displays Anne Bullock
Ticket secretary Annie Muir
Website Jane Hollinshead
Emma Loat
Social media Christine Weekes

Committee Dates

All committee meetings take place at Altrincham Methodist Church unless otherwise specified.


Date Time Location
Sep 9 Main committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
Sep 23 Publicity sub-committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
Oct 14 Main committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
Oct 28 Music sub-committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
Nov 25 Main committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
Jan 13 Main committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
Jan 27 Music sub-committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
Feb 3 Publicity sub-committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
Mar 3 Main committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
April 7 Music sub-committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
April 28 Main committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
May 12 Publicity sub-committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
June 9 Main committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
June 23 Music sub-committee 18.30-19.30 AMC
July 14 Main committee 18.30-19.30 AMC


Read ACS’s Constitution here.

Job Descriptions

View ACS’s job descriptions.

Tea Rota

Please note that since we returned after the pandemic we have suspended the tea rota, and just have a short ‘comfort’ break half way through the rehearsal without refreshments – bring your own water to drink!